- Are you happy? Why/Why not?
- What things make you happy/unhappy?
- What changes would you like to make in your life to make you happier?
- Can money buy you happiness? If so, how much?
- Are we obsessed with being happy?
- Do we deserve to be happy?
- Can we have too much happiness?
- Do drugs or alcohol make people happy?
- Do you think that concepts like mindfulness make us happier or sadder?
Podcast – A Recipe for Happiness Listening
Article –True happiness isn’t about being happy all the time Reading
- Do you worry about the future? If so, what things do worry about and why?
- Had you ever heard of the Doomsday Clock? Do you think it’s necessary or a good idea?
- Are humans our own worst enemy?
- Were you aware of the existential threats mentioned in the article and podcast? Were you surprised by any of them?
- Which, if any of these threats, do you think is the most likely to happen?
- Do you think we can protect ourselves from these existential threats?
- Are you more or less worried about the future now than before you read the article and listened to the podcast?
- Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?
- Do you enjoy travelling?
- What are the best and worst aspects of travelling?
- Is there a difference between travelling and tourism?
- Does travel really broaden the mind? Can you give a personal example of how travel has broadened your mind?
- How important is the travel industry in your country?
- What are the most memorable places you have visited?
- Are there any dream destinations on your bucket list?
- Why is the right to bear arms so important for some Americans?
- Have you ever fired a gun? Would you like to?
- Are there any good reasons to have a gun?
- Would you consider living in a society where people have the right to own guns?
- What type of gun controls would be most effective?
- Why do parents push their kids?
- Did your parents push you? If so, in what ways? If not, do you wish they had?
- Have you pushed your children? How much and in what areas of life? If not, do you wish you had pushed them more?
- Do you think that parents have unrealistic expectations for their children?
- Do children have too many extra-scholar activities these days?
- What ways can parents help children to succeed?
- Are all children capable of greatness if they are pushed?
- Why do people use social media?
- Do you use social media? If so, how often and what for?
- Do you know anyone who is addicted to social media?
- Do you think on balance that it has a positive or negative impact on society?
- Did you use social media more or begin to use it for the first time during the Covid pandemic?
- Do you think that social media influencers make us feel unhappy with our lives and/or appearance?
- Have you noticed the echo chamber effect happening to you?
Podcast – How bad is social media for my mental health? Listening
Article – ‘The Social Dilemma’: Are Facebook and Instagram Really Affecting Our Mental Health?. Reading
- Are you a workaholic?
- What consequences does overwork have on your health?
- Could you do the same amount of work in less time?
- What would the perfect work timetable be for you?
- Do you have enough time to do all the things you want and what would you do if you had more free time?
Podcast – The Cult of Overwork Listening
Article – Why do we buy into the ‘cult’ of overwork?. Reading
- Would you like to travel into space?
- Do you think it will ever be accessible to ordinary people?
- Is the human achievement worth the environmental cost?
- Does space tourism help develop new technology?
- Do you think humans will colonise space in the future?
Podcast – Branson, Bezos, And The Billionaires: The Future Of Space Tourism Listening
Article – First space tourist Dennis Tito: ‘It was the greatest moment of my life’ Reading
- Do you think there really is a “Big Tech Threat”?
- What are the consequences of monopolies and why are they seen as problematic?
- Is there enough regulation of global tech companies?
- Do you use any of these companies or do you try to avoid using them?
- If you owned a business would you consider selling it to one of these companies?
Podcast – The Big Tech Threat? Listening
Article – US tech giants accused of ‘monopoly power’ Reading
- Are you already or currently considering going vegan?
- Have you tried going vegan on a temporary basis (veganuary)?
- Do you think a vegan diet is healthier or less healthy than a traditional diet?
- Do you think we will all have to go vegan to protect the diet in the future?
- How easy do you think it is to follow a vegan diet in Spain?
Podcast – Is Veganism the Future? Listening
Article – The vegan era, or the end of carnal. Reading
- Are you vaccinated? Why or why not?
- Why do some people not want to get vaccinated?
- How can people be encouraged to get vaccinated?
- Should people be forced to get vaccinated?
- Are there any circumstances under which you wouldn’t get vaccinated?
Podcast – Vaccine Hesitancy: (Part 1) Listening
Article – COVID vaccines: time to confront anti-vax aggression Reading
- Does cancel culture curtail our freedom of speech?
- Do some people deserve to be cancelled?
- Is it wrong to judge people’s past comments by today’s standards?
- Should we change street names or remove statues dedicated to historical figures whose actions were unacceptable by today’s standards?
- Is cancel culture a left wing phenomenon?
Podcast – There is No ‘Cancel Culture’ Listening
Article – Cancel culture: Have any two words become more weaponised? Reading
- Did you know how polluting the fashion industry is?
- Why is the fashion industry so polluting?
- Why do you think fast fashion is so popular?
- Is fashion important to you?
- Do you think social media is responsible for our appetite for fast fashion?
Podcast – Costing the Earth: Fast Fashion Slow Down Listening
Article – Fast Fashion is Still a Big Threat to Our Environment — Here’s What Needs to Change Reading
- Have you already invested or would you invest in cryptocurrency? Why/why not?
- Is it damaging to the environment?
- Will cryptocurrency take over from physical money?
- Is cryptocurrency the currency of criminals?
- Is cryptocurrency the new Gold Standard?
Podcast – Cryptocurrency: What You Need To Know Now Listening
Article – The real victims of mass crypto-hacks that keep happening Reading